Our Story

It all started with our sister company, nzwinehome (now Wine Collective Direct), and the need for an eco-friendly, sustainable packaging solution to replace harmful polystyrene.

After more than 15 years of helping NZ wine producers deliver their wines to consumers around the world, we became increasingly discouraged with the limited options of polystyrene & plastic to protect wines in transit.

Committed to doing the right thing for our fragile ecosystem, we set out to find a better way to safeguard the bottles from breakage and provide protection from hot and cold temperatures along the way.

  • "Just a note to congratulate you on your new eco-friendly packaging. I’ve donated the wool wraps to the local wildlife carers who say they can use them as pouches for microbats in care. Thanks for all your inspiring efforts."

    Sandy, Australia

  • "I was delighted to receive the bottles in a cardboard carton, each bottle inserted into those cute, quintessentially Kiwi woollen sleeves"

    Jancis Robinson, MW

  • "Our wines arrived today, thank you. We are very impressed with the quality and care of packaging, in particular the wool pouches for each wine. This gives us great confidence to order again the wines that we generally can’t get over here."

    Chris & Susan

  • "We thought the padding of the wine box was outstanding. Thank you for your commitment to finding a viable alternative to polystyrene."

    Jo, United Kingdom

  • "We were astonished to open the wine box and discover the packaging. Absolutely amazing! We were SO impressed by the eco-friendly products that has been used to protect the wine during shipment. The thick cardboard box to start with and then the individual woollen socks guaranteed that there was no damage to the wines at all."

    Cheryl, Australia

  • "I am very impressed and delighted to see your packaging is eco friendly. I appreciate that and hope more people can follow the cause."

    Jeraldine, Singapore